At Zion it is our desire to give ministry away. However, the idea of ministry is scary to some people because they don’t feel like they will have the support or direction that they need. It is important to note we don’t expect every person to know how to create a masterpiece meal (in terms of ministry), but to follow the directions on the box to a desired outcome. The following is “the directions on the box”. When we talk about directions on the box we are saying that we will give you most of what you need to be successful in ministry. That doesn’t mean that every part is handed to you. In other words, some assembly required! If you buy a Betty Crocker cake mix you still have to put some “skin in the game” via eggs, oil and other ingredients. In the same way with ministry at Zion some of what is required will be provided to you. However, you must do some work to see your role flourish. One more thing to remember, if you are moving up the pipeline that doesn’t mean that you can forget the old competencies that pushed you up the pipeline. Rather, that you are accepting more responsibility and more competencies. You are showing growth in your walk with Jesus as you understand the change that salvation has on your life through our mission and vision at Zion.
Here are the roles:
Volunteer: This is the entry level that everyone must start at.
At this level the minimum we are expecting is:
- Showing up on time
- Doing what is asked
- Knowing the mission statement and how they are fulfilling that in their role
- Being pleasant and easy to work with
- Communicating with their leader anything of value that needs to be addressed
- One-year commitment
At this level to grow to the leader level one must:
- Showing up early and at times that are not necessary
- Be able to teach how the mission statement applies to them and to those they are working with
- Be able to articulate their faith (i.e. what did Jesus do in your life and how did that change you)
- Offering input for improvement and change that is in line with the beliefs of the church
- Become an active member of the church (join the church, attending church more than 75% of the time, and tithe regular)
At this level the minimum we are expecting is:
- Showing up early for setup and prayer for your position
- Being able to teach at an elementary level the mission statement and your faith (i.e. know the mission statement by heart and your faith journey, and be ready and able to teach this at any time)
- Be able to lead and develop others. Giving clear direction into the tasks that must be completed, as well as encouraging the volunteers under them to go deeper in their relationship with God
- Be happy and excited for your opportunity to minister
- Communicating with their coach anything of value that needs to be addressed
- One-year commitment
At this level to grow to the coach level one must
- Showing growth in godly wisdom
- Having a great reputation as a leader from others who know them (especially their family and the volunteers under them)
- They must be a cheerful giver (of time, money and effort)
- Must be leading and developing others well (they are creating in others competencies in faith, role and mission statement)
At this level the minimum we are expecting is:
- A commitment to the church growth first spiritually, and next numerically
- A desire to teach sound doctrine to others especially leaders while at the same time exhibiting a teachable attitude
- Caring for church relationships and/or church property. An example of this could be, visitations and general counseling to those entrusted to you.
- Making sure all leaders have the resources they need relationally, spiritually, and materially on a weekly basis.
- Communicating to Senior staff anything of value that needs to be addressed
- 3-5 year commitment
At this level to grow to senior staff (or in the future a ministry director) one must:
- Communicate clearly and effectively with others
- Have a sound doctrine and be able to teach proficiently salvation and our mission statement
- Exhibit a responsibility for all those who are under your care by developing them into Christians who are competent in their faith, their ministry role, and the church mission statement
- Have the ability and wisdom to identify key role players and people who are not a fit for moving up the pipeline
- Creating new roles for yourself and those around that make our church more effective
- Have a unity in vision with the leadership and are beginning to cast vision
Ministry Director:
At this level the minimum we are expecting is:
- Have sound doctrine and able to teach others effectively regardless of background
- Proficiently teaching the mission statement and articulating their faith
- Works well directing a team under them
- Uses the ministry pipeline to their benefit, and identifies the people who need to be moving up
- Have unity with the senior Staff in vision and able to cast that vision to their teams
- Create new roles for people within their ministry that aid us in treasuring Christ and growing together
- Delegate down the pipeline effectively
Senior Staff:
What is expected: (this is for men only. This will be the role of overseer in Zion. Overseer, is a synonym of pastor in the new testament)
- Cast vision in a clear way to the entire church via the ministry pipeline and/or the pulpit depending on role (repeat-repeat-repeat-and then repeat some more)
- Teach at a quality level sound doctrine or salvation, growth, and mission
- Develop others into solid Christian leaders (i.e. teach people consistently how to treasure Christ, grow together, serve each other, and live on mission)
- Be a steward of the resources, building, and people that have been entrusted to you. This means developing people to do the tasks so that everything doesn’t fall on the staff of the church. (busy volunteers=healthy church)
- Create clear succession plans for every position so that every ministry has another person waiting when opening come
- Create an atmosphere of growth. This means consulting everyone involved before making a change
- Make the strategies so clear that it seems like it is a living organism
- Be a disciple maker. This means that you love to read your bible and pray and that relationship with the Father oozes out on those around you
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